Bruno Machado Vidinha

“Invest in yourself and you will see the result in others”

Since the beginning of 2000, I have been actively involved in research in the field of Life.
I hold a Master’s Degree in Philosophy from the University of Porto, with a specialization in business management for multinational companies. Additionally, I have pursued personal development through the study of ancient practices that encompass the science of life, Ancient Medicines, and self-knowledge, as guided by the Yoga Studies Association and its founder.
My dedication and focus lie in exploring the profound impact of human philosophy on various aspects of life.

bruno vidinha
método fpdi

The FPDI Method

FPDI | Practical philosophy of inter[personal] development[pessoal]

FPDI seeks to demonstrate how practicality is the key to everything. Nowadays, humanity goes through many challenges through high speed changes, that requires adaptation, practice and, above all, understanding.

Demonstrations of excessive stress, loss of health, difficulties in reaching established relational and professional levels are just effects of the current movement and in order to provide an effective response, the Practical Philosophy of inter[[pessoal]personal] development emerges.

Get in touch now and feel the positive impact of Philosophy in your daily life.

método fpdi


Check out all the solutions available

Development of goals; Manifestation of the positive; Differentiated physical activity; Stress management; Self-knowledge
bruno machado vidinha

Fields of Action

All our programs act in the direction of what is sought in the following areas of action and with due anamnesis:

fields of action | FPDI method

Ted Talks || Workshops

Be your own agent of change and evolution

Innovation and growth for your company or private event, class or workshop, conference or corporate briefing.


Programs that transform companies and empower individuals

Testimonies shared by those who have chosen to embark on a transformative journey.

Fez um ano em Julho de 2022 que conheci o Bruno. Tive conhecimento das suas aulas, por um ex aluno do Bruno que era meu cliente. Como responsável de atividades, estava à procura de um profissional com domínio nas aulas de Yoga quer nos exercícios, quer domínio teórico, seduziu a turma pela sua exigência, metódico, pontualidade.

Hoje passado um ano, tem a confiança dos alunos que assumem o compromisso e divulgam a qualidade das suas aulas.
I have been practicing Yoga for a while, it’s nothing how I imagined. Breathing, slow and flowing movements or even simple. It’s tough, it pushes me physically it’s been Growth. My teacher Bruno Machado V. is hard doesn’t make it easy. It’s not a trend it’s definitely a way of life. May take me a while but I believe I will be a better version of myself with Yoga in my life. Thank You Bruno Machado V.
O Bruno foi essencial em todo o meu crescimento, seja pessoal ou profissional. Desde os meus 14 anos sempre foi presente e assíduo alertando para todas as dificuldades e orientando trajectórias de sucesso. É impossível não ter como agradecer durante todos estes anos este fantástico acompanhamento, levaram-me a ser uma pessoa bem mais lúcida para o mundo corporativo e pessoal.

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